Making friends at Anjuna beach... :)
Hanging out at the Saturday night market in Anjuna
I rented a scooter to get around (ok, ok, and for just for fun!)... unfortunately, I didn't have a helmet... or my license!... but nothing a little baksheesh couldn't fix!
Traditionally dressed women selling fruit at Vagator beach
Shiva carved into the rocks at Vagator beach
A German, American, and a Swede... who needs the UN?
Anjuna beach....
Boogie boarding!!
I absolutely love the beach... what am I doing back in NJ?!
Beautiful photos. My brother in law is from Goa (actually he's from Tenessee. His folks are from Goa) and I'm going to refer your site to him
I applaud your travelling/medicine mix. A third world doctor in a third world country probably has a lot to teach even the most experienced US MD about malaria, Kuru, and other regional dieases. I imagine also that learning different cultural inhibitions will serve well even when practicing stateside
great pics, Z. I love the bovine on the beach - oddly appropriate somehow. the fact that they gave you a scooter is scary :-P good luck in Africa. hope you keep posting from there.
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