Thursday, August 30, 2007

Through the looking glass

I'm all packed and about to leave for the New Delhi train station... i'm taking the overnight express train to Mumbai (express is a relative term... it's a 17 hour train, but I guess it's better than going by, say, horse... everything in India is relative...). I wanted to quickly upload a few photographs... it takes a lot of time to upload these (insert vast amounts of technical mumbo jumbo, but in summary: the internet connection works at yak speed, which is just slightly faster than an injured camel on rollerblades...). Here are a few of my favorites, in no particular order.... I promise to post more over the weekend in Mumbai, as well as to write a lengthy post about some of the interesting medical cases we saw... i'm thinking of you all, and please continue to be in touch!

Pahar ganj - this is the, er, neighborhood I speak so highly of
in Delhi, where my first hotel was... you really do have to be there
to smell it, feel it, to really understand the insanity... but hopefully
this provides a little perspective...

At our first clinic, at a small school in Reru...

With village children... everyone in the Himalayas looks
either much younger or much older than their actual ages...

With a Tibetan woman in one of our final villages... (you can see,
I'm getting quite a tan... yes!)

Mess tents doubling as kitchens, living rooms, and clinics...
all at the end of a rainbow :)

Triage, Himalayan style...

Tibetan monastery at the top of the world...
... spirituality spanning the generations...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

can't wait to read more!